miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009

from far and beyond

What we have is something i will never have, and honestly i dont want to have with anyone, but you...
You know all my ups and downs,
You held me and you pushed me, 
You yelled and you whispered, 
You cried and you smiled, 
You came and you left, 
You are you....
You dont need to be close to make me feel
From miles away, you get me.
And i trust you...i always trusted you... i remember the day i realized and you realized it
In a party, with strangers, and u wanted to make me feel jelous flirting with other girls, 
i was ok with it, i didnt mind, and you asked y, and i told you:
You can dance and flirt with every girl, cause at the end of the day, its me who you choose. 
And now, we are friends, and when people say that after love there i not friendship, they dont know what they are talking about. 
Cause me and you are beyond physical love, we have another love, a pure, and understanding love, a selfless one..
I turn to you for everything...and sometimes, after one of our emails or talks.. i think.... you are the person i could never live without... you know me and love me for who i am, you dont expect anything in return and i love you just as much...i would go to the moon if i needed to...and if someday i can see that i bring you half of the peace you bring me...then i ll be happy....

martes, 14 de abril de 2009

plus and cons

The ying and the yang 
The sun and the moon
WInter and Summer
Sweet and sour
Positive and negative
Good and Bad
North and South
East and West
Bottom and Top
All this opposites...but what about the middles?
How about people like me who like
Spring and Fall
bittersweet food
Neutral enviroments and responses
Does everything has to be either Black or White?
I like grey, i like the shadows, the in betweens...
i dont enjoy the beginnins nor the ends...i like the essence, i remember the middle parts,
I live for medium temperatures, for hills, nor sea or mountains, just plain ol'hills, 
I dont like the extremes, and i refuse to follow the crowd, 
you r either cool or you are a nerd, 
you r either a hippie or a smug, 
im neither... im me.. and i accept it..and if ppl dont accept it...i couldnt care less.....